Have you ever stopped to think about what makes an assessment truly effective? What are the obstacles to creating a good assessment, and how can we overcome them? We’ve all been through assessments in school and university, and they’ve been a part of education for as long as anyone can remember. But the way we perceive assessments has changed, and here’s the twist – assessments aren’t just about passing or failing anymore. There’s a cool kid on the block, and they are changing the game. Let’s dive into the think tank and explore more about assessments.

One type of assessment is assessments of learning – the old guard. We remember those nail-biting exams at the end of a semester, or the staggering 3000 words written essay that we must submit. Yes, these are typical examples of assessments of learning. They’re like the final boss in a video game; you either win or lose. The sole purpose here is to determine whether you’ve listened to your teacher during the class and acquired enough knowledge or skills to move on. In academic settings, this type of assessment is called summative assessments, where all is about looking back on what you’ve learned.

Now here is the cool kid in town: assessments for learning. This type of assessments is known as formative assessments. It’s not a new method of assessment, but I call it the real MVP – the most valuable player. This approach doesn’t wait until the end to see how you did it. It’s like having a guiding hand throughout your learning journey. Assessments are spread out all along the way, embedded into your learning process. To make it easier for you to understand this, imagine that you’re learning a musical instrument, solving a mathematics equation, or writing a persuasive essay. Instead of one big, nerve-wracking performance at the end of the year, you have mini assessments after each lesson or step of learning. Your teacher provides feedback on how you’re doing, what you need to work on, and how to improve. It’s like a GPS guiding you in real-time, helping you reach your destination – mastery. Bingo!

Assessments for learning not only allow you to say goodbye to end-of-year exam anxiety and put you in control. The entire process is about you. You get tailored feedback and support to meet your unique needs. No more one-size-fits-all. Assessments for learning foster a deeper understanding of the subject matter. You don’t just memorise; but you comprehend. The focus is on the learning process that you follow to master the content, instead of evaluating the quality of your final product. So, the shift towards assessments for learning is a game-changer. It’s about learning, growing, and being the best version of yourself. It’s like having a personal coach cheering you on as you learn and grow.

In the battle of ‘assessments of learning’ vs. ‘assessments for learning’, for me, the gold medal winner is clear – assessments for learning. Therefore, as educators, it’s time for us to ditch the old ways and embrace the (not so) new, but more engaging, and empowering way of assessment design. Let’s not view assessments solely as the end product, but rather integrate them into the entire learning process.